Saturday, December 30, 2006
Maxime's Host Parents
The Peoria Journal Star published a forum article today written by Maxime's host parents when he was a patient several years ago at OSF.
The letter asks the question: how should OSF's disagreement with one doctor influence their policy when lives of Haitian children are at stake? OSF's attorney talks about cooperation and respect. Who do they think is going to believe this?
If what I challenged OSF on was not reasonable they would not have responded so negligently towards the Haitian Hearts patients.
I have questioned them on lack of bed capacity, long waiting times in the ER, monopolizing ambulance care in the city of Peoria, delaying Haitian kids surgeries, attempting to obtain funds for Haitian Hearts that were not meant for OSF, and showing total lack of respect for their own Mission Statements and the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services written by the U.S. Catholic Bishops.
The letter asks the question: how should OSF's disagreement with one doctor influence their policy when lives of Haitian children are at stake? OSF's attorney talks about cooperation and respect. Who do they think is going to believe this?
If what I challenged OSF on was not reasonable they would not have responded so negligently towards the Haitian Hearts patients.
I have questioned them on lack of bed capacity, long waiting times in the ER, monopolizing ambulance care in the city of Peoria, delaying Haitian kids surgeries, attempting to obtain funds for Haitian Hearts that were not meant for OSF, and showing total lack of respect for their own Mission Statements and the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services written by the U.S. Catholic Bishops.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Peoria Pundit

During the last several weeks, the Peoria Pundit, was kind enough to allow me to post on his web log.
Also, we were able to get Maxime on the plane to the United States to be evaluated for heart surgery. He landed safely in Cleveland yesterday.
Pictured above is Maxime in front of a festive Christmas tree in front of the National Palace in Port-au-Prince.
Yesterday, 400 special forces from the UN and members of the Haitian National Police led a raid into Bwa Neuf, another section of the slum adjacent to Soleil. Their goal was to kill a gang leader there named Belony. At least nine people were killed, all civilians, and 30 injured. The Haitian government gave the OK for this sweep to occur.
The people of the slum are not happy with the UN.

Monday, December 18, 2006
You Would Think They Were Human

Please see Dying in Haiti regarding Jackson Jean-Baptiste's family in Haiti that still mourn his passing.
These young ladies are Jackson's sisters.
OSF Attorney Responds to Haitian Hearts

Please see Peoria Pundit. OSF's attorney, Douglass Marshall, sent me an e mail. Haitian Hearts children are still being denied care at OSF no matter if they were operated at OSF several years ago and are very ill now. Also, new Haitian Hearts patients are being denied care at OSF. The baby above, Ferna, died here in Haiti a few months ago with a cardiac lesion (hole between the lower chambers of her heart) that could easily have been repaired at OSF.
Friday, December 15, 2006

Go to Peoria Pundit to see a post regarding the totally dysfunctional Haitian medical system. Peoria, with its exorbitant medical spending and medical technology, should offer more to Haitian kids trapped in Haiti. The doctors and nurses at OSF would love to see the Haitian Hearts patients be allowed to return to Peoria. OSF Administration will not allow it. The Sisters and Bishop Jenky maintain their silence.
Cleveland Clinic Rescues Peoria's OSF
Go to Peoria Pundit to read an encouraging post regarding Maxime Petion.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Medical Homicide?
This weeks New England Journal of Medicine has an article and editorial regarding decreasing the amount of time from "door to balloon" for the heart attack victim. This means doing everything possible to open up the diseased corornary artery as quickly as possible.
Of note, the Journal states, "In addition, a recent ruling by a coroner's jury in Illinois provides an additional sobering reminder of the potential implications of treatment delays (for heart attacks). In that ruling, the jury found the death of a patient who had spent nearly two hours in an emergency department waiting room before proper diagnosis and treatment of a heart attack constituted a potential homicide."
Logic would also dictate that a jury could come to the same conclusion if pre hospital care, prior to the emergency department "door", were slowed in any way for the heart attack victim.
Of note, the Journal states, "In addition, a recent ruling by a coroner's jury in Illinois provides an additional sobering reminder of the potential implications of treatment delays (for heart attacks). In that ruling, the jury found the death of a patient who had spent nearly two hours in an emergency department waiting room before proper diagnosis and treatment of a heart attack constituted a potential homicide."
Logic would also dictate that a jury could come to the same conclusion if pre hospital care, prior to the emergency department "door", were slowed in any way for the heart attack victim.
Monday, December 4, 2006
Peoria Heights Fire Department
The Journal Star has an article today regarding the Peoria Heights Fire Department.
The main theme in the article concerned paying the volunteer EMT’s who work for the Peoria Heights Fire Department.
However, interesting concepts were brought up in the article that reflects what is happening in Peoria. The people in Peoria Heights have obviously been following the unfortunate events in Peoria with the Peoria Fire Department during the last 15 years.
Wayne Baum, one of the Peoria Heights trustees, would like to see AMT provide the service for Peoria Heights. Mr. Baum states, “ My concern is not what you can do, but what you can’t do”. He was explaining how AMT can administer a number of drugs and do procedures that Peoria Heights Fire Department, a basic level provider, can’t offer. Thus, I would assume that Mr. Baum would believe that the Peoria Fire Department is offering an inferior quality of service too.
Interestingly, Chief Reichert responded by saying that the Peoria Heights ambulance service can upgrade its level of service. By this Chief Reichert meant that the Peoria Heights department can go to Intermediate or Advanced life support. Chief Reichert is well aware that in order to upgrade their service, this would have to be done with the blessing of the Project Medical Director who is a physician and is employed at OSF and is controlled by OSF. OSF is AMT’s biggest local supporter and would love to see AMT have the mandate to monopolize the Peoria Heights pre hospital care as it has in Peoria.
Chief Reichert is well aware that the Peoria Fire Department, which takes over 10,000 medical EMS calls each year has been held at basic life support with defibrillation and basic drugs for many years. Chief Reichert is also aware that the Peoria Fire Department is present at the scene quicker than AMT much of the time for serious medical emergencies, can only provide basic service, and cannot transport the patient. Chief Reichert knows that the Peoria Fire Department was forced into selling their only ambulance several years ago and he does not want Peoria Heights put into the same unfortunate situation as Peoria by AMT and the wealthy supporters of AMT.
Chief Reichert wisely states,” Having our own service ensures a quick response.”
The main theme in the article concerned paying the volunteer EMT’s who work for the Peoria Heights Fire Department.
However, interesting concepts were brought up in the article that reflects what is happening in Peoria. The people in Peoria Heights have obviously been following the unfortunate events in Peoria with the Peoria Fire Department during the last 15 years.
Wayne Baum, one of the Peoria Heights trustees, would like to see AMT provide the service for Peoria Heights. Mr. Baum states, “ My concern is not what you can do, but what you can’t do”. He was explaining how AMT can administer a number of drugs and do procedures that Peoria Heights Fire Department, a basic level provider, can’t offer. Thus, I would assume that Mr. Baum would believe that the Peoria Fire Department is offering an inferior quality of service too.
Interestingly, Chief Reichert responded by saying that the Peoria Heights ambulance service can upgrade its level of service. By this Chief Reichert meant that the Peoria Heights department can go to Intermediate or Advanced life support. Chief Reichert is well aware that in order to upgrade their service, this would have to be done with the blessing of the Project Medical Director who is a physician and is employed at OSF and is controlled by OSF. OSF is AMT’s biggest local supporter and would love to see AMT have the mandate to monopolize the Peoria Heights pre hospital care as it has in Peoria.
Chief Reichert is well aware that the Peoria Fire Department, which takes over 10,000 medical EMS calls each year has been held at basic life support with defibrillation and basic drugs for many years. Chief Reichert is also aware that the Peoria Fire Department is present at the scene quicker than AMT much of the time for serious medical emergencies, can only provide basic service, and cannot transport the patient. Chief Reichert knows that the Peoria Fire Department was forced into selling their only ambulance several years ago and he does not want Peoria Heights put into the same unfortunate situation as Peoria by AMT and the wealthy supporters of AMT.
Chief Reichert wisely states,” Having our own service ensures a quick response.”
Open Letter to Catholic Diocese of Peoria and OSF

December 3, 2006
Dear Bishop Jenky, Sister Judith Ann, Keith Steffen, and Paul Kramer,
I have been following the weather conditions in Peoria from here in Haiti. The snowfall, winds, and cold seem to have partially paralyzed central Illinois.
Haiti’s condition is actually much worse than Peoria, even though the weather is much nicer. The people here suffer every sort of injustice known…except snow and ice.
Please prayerfully consider accepting Maxime Petion at OSF for evaluation of his heart. I e mailed you about Maxime 6 weeks ago, but didn’t hear back.
Maxime was operated several years ago at OSF when he was 17 years old. He is suffering greatly in congestive heart failure.
It is my understanding that OSF’s International Committee is going to meet this week and discuss whether Maxime will be accepted at OSF. Unfortunately, no Sisters sit on this Committee.
As you know, Paul Kramer, Director of Children’s Hospital of Illinois, called the American Consulate in Port-au-Prince several years ago to stop Haitian Hearts patients from obtaining visas to travel to Peoria. Mr. Kramer sits on the Committee. Also, OSF’s legal counsel, Doug Marshall, wrote me a while back stating that OSF will not accept any Haitian Hearts patients even when full or partial charges were offered. These actions by OSF’s leaders are opposite to the Sisters Mission Statements and the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services written by the Catholic Bishops in the United States.
His host family in the Peoria area are very concerned about Maxime and even suggested to me that they come here to be with Maxime and his family. Political violence and kidnappings in Haiti are at an all time high, so I have discouraged his host family from traveling here.
Haitian Hearts will offer you $10,000 up front for Maxime’s life. I am pleading with you to give Maxime another chance at OSF.
He will die soon unless something is done very quickly.
Sunday, December 3, 2006
Saturday, December 2, 2006
Close Your Eyes
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