Friday, January 1, 2010

I Just Don't Understand...

The following paragraphs appeared in The Catholic Post during the summer of 2009:

"Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, brought good news and bad news with him when he celebrated Mass for respect life coordinators from around the diocese August 29, and he delivered both with the same words.

"The craven politicians, the lapsed Catholics, the death-dealing abortion mills ultimately cannot win," the bishop said during his homily at St. Joseph's Church in Peoria. "Our power, our final victory, is the risen Christ whose body and blood we are privileged to share. So I say to you, "Be Strong. Be confident."

My comments:

I think Bishop Jenky needs to lead not only with his words but with his actions. And his actions need to be strong, confident, and consistently pro life.

OSF acquired another medical facility in Bloomington, Illinois in 2009 and allowed forty new OSF physicians to begin writing prescriptions for oral contraceptives. Similar behavior by OSF has occurred for 15 years with the agreement of the Catholic Diocese of Peoria.

Most Catholics in the Diocese are unaware of OSF's oral contraceptive policy and many Catholic priests in the Diocese were unaware of this policy until this year. The priests that I have spoken with have no idea what to do to change OSF's policy. They fear Bishop Jenky and are obedient to him.

OSF's oral contraceptive policy was created by OSF Corporate Ethicist Joe Piccione and The Catholic Diocese of Peoria in the mid-1990's. Mr. Piccione tried to convince me in 2009 that fewer and fewer OSF physicians are writing prescriptions for contraceptives; however, he provided no data and, at the same time, allowed 4O new OSF physicians in Bloomington to begin writing contraceptive prescriptions.

Bishop Jenky must be in agreement with OSF's anti-life policy because it continues year after year. In fact today the policy started into its third decade.

I just don't understand.

Catholics are being mislead by The Catholic Post, OSF, and The Catholic Diocese of Peoria.

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